October 2022

Halloween Parade Route

Submitted by jan.grotegut on

One of the highlights of Halloween day festivities is the Halloween Parade for Parents.  At 1:45, the students will be parading through the halls of the school, picking up each grade level as they walk through the school.  They will eventually be walking on Front/East side of the school and around the south lawn area closest to the Art museum parking lot.  Parents may line up on the lawn areas indicated on the map to view the students in costume. 

Progress with our WIGS!

Submitted by jan.grotegut on

Keep up your nightly home reading and living the 7 Habits at School.  Each month we are getting closer to both of our WIG goals of each student receiving 2 Croc Claws during the school year and earning tickets for the Reading Carnival by completing at least 3 nights of at home reading. Keep up the good work Crocs!

Take a Veteran to School

Submitted by jan.grotegut on

On Friday, November 11, 2022, Cherry Creek will honor veterans with a program called “Take a Veteran to School” day.  To make this a memorable day, we ask students to invite a veteran they know (whether having been deployed or not) to come and share their military experiences.   It will begin at 2:30 (more details to follow) at Cherry Creek. We will contact you and your veteran with further information as the date draws near.  Please fill out the google form by Nov 4th.

It Was a 3 Way Tie!

Submitted by jan.grotegut on

This week, we had 3 winners in the Spirit Day Competition! Mrs. Frossard’s 4th Grade Class, Mrs. Jarvis’ 5th Grade Class and Mrs. Nielson’s 5th Grade Class had all of their students Rockin the Red for Spirit Day.  What a tidal wave of spirit!  Congratulations!

Photos: Spirit Day Team