I Voted!

Submitted by sarah.sumsion on
Attachment Size
Voting Day 322.4 KB
I Voted! 307.34 KB
Obama or Romney? 268 KB
Mock Election 257.14 KB

It was Election Day at the school for not only parents and registered voters, but for 5th and 6th grade students who had "registered". A handout was given to each student with both sides of the major issues reported from scholastic.com's website (without a candidate's name attached). The students took these home, discussed them with their parents, then had the form signed and returned. This became their voter registration. Thanks to Mrs. Turley from the district for creating an electronic poll and to our poll workers who gladly donated "I Voted" stickers for each student to wear after they voted. The results are in and according to Cherry Creek 5th and 6th grade students - Mitt Romney won with 106 votes and Barack Obama with 43 votes.  

By Sarah Sumsion