May 2019

6th Grade Graduation

Submitted by jan.grotegut on

The 6th Graders took their Final Victory Lap before heading to their Graduation Ceremony.   Class awards were given, 3 speeches from the Class Valedictorians, an Orchestra number, handing out of certificates and pictures and a closing speech by Mr. Duncan.  Congratulations graduates...Jr. High is ahead of you next September. Best Wishes!

We Learn at Mini Society

Submitted by jan.grotegut on

Mini Society is a program where the 5th grade Students establish their own society, create their own money, open their own businesses all to help understand entrepreneurship, economics, math, ethics and citizenship.  The other students in the school “earn” money to spend at the various businesses run by the 5th Graders.  A fun learning experience for all!

Mrs. Steiner

We Learn Reading is Fun and We Can Achieve Our Goals!

Submitted by jan.grotegut on

One of our Big WIGS (Wildly Important Goals) that was set at the beginning of the year was to gain 2,000 reading levels by the end of the year.  The students met and surpassed that BIG WIG! As a reward, they spent time running through an inflatable obstacle course!  Congratulations on your hard work!  Persistence pays off!

We Learn when We are Curious!

Submitted by jan.grotegut on

On Friday, the 4th Graders went to the Museum of Curiosity.  They explored in the Rainforest, learned about science in Water Works and had fun with hands on activities in Kidopolis.  Oh what adventures for young, curious minds!

Mrs. Frossard

It’s A Tie!

Submitted by jan.grotegut on

Two 6th grade classes share the title of Spirit Day winners this week...our last Spirit Day Friday of the school year.  Congrats to Mrs. K. Nielson’s class and Mrs. Truscott’s class for 100% sporting RED!  What a way to end the year 6th Graders!

At our last Victory assembly, Mrs. K. Nielson’s class and Mrs. Treanor’s class were awarded a Pizza party for being awarded the Spirit Trophy the most during the year!  Way to show the school spirit!  Congratulations!

We Learn about important Community Helpers and Services In Springville

Submitted by jan.grotegut on

The 3rd Graders visited the Springville City Building and Library.  They learned about the important jobs that the Police, Fire Fighters, EMTs and Librarians have.  A big Croc Shout out to these hard working and important people in our community!

Mrs. David, Mrs. Treanor and Ms. Pullan

Water you doing at the Pool?

Submitted by jan.grotegut on

Mr. Duncan is the Best Principal!  He celebrates his last pool day @Cherry Creek by going down the his dress clothes...the students loved it!  Way to go out with A splash!  Mr. Earl, Mrs. Steiner, Mrs. Peck and Mrs. Pratt also joined in on the fun! Check out Mr. Duncan’s slide video on FB or Instagram!

Mr. Earl, Mrs. Steiner & Mrs. Frossard

We Lead & Inspire at the 3rd Grade Track Meet

Submitted by jan.grotegut on

The 3rd Grade classes represented Cherry Creek well at the City Track Meet by placing in many events!

Kaleigh Parker placed 5th in the Girls Softball Throw.  Madeline Jarvis took 6th Place in the Girls 50m Dash.  Penelope Bott placed 6th in the Girls 100m race.

Henry Weight placed 2nd in the Boys 50m Dash.  Kevin Marin took 2nd in the 100m race. Isaac Lopez won 3rd in the Boys 200m run.  Cody Low placed in two events:  4th in the Boys 400m race and 6th in the Boys Softball throw.

Congratulations Crocs!  Way to represent Cherry Creek!

Mr. Duncan

We Learn: 4th Grade Visits the State Capitol

Submitted by jan.grotegut on

We saw the Golden Spike. We also got to see the contract signed by Abraham Lincoln that allowed the Transcontinental Railroad to be built. We took a tour of the Capitol building, including the senate, legislature, and judiciary rooms! We saw Governor Herbert's office, and everyone got a 2019 minted penny! It was super cool! 


Mrs. Frossard