October 2017

5th Grade Genius Hour

Submitted by janelle.barrett on

Our fifth grade classes have begun a presentation series led by students who have researched a topic of interest. After they find interesting information on their topic and put together a presentation to demonstrate their knowledge, then they can present during "Genius Hour". Topics so far have included illustration techniques, how airplanes fly, foreign languages (Polish!), sports, and more! It's inspiring to see the kids do research to learn about something they are excited about! 

by Chalyce Peck and Clint Cornwall

4th Grade at the Bean Museum

Submitted by janelle.barrett on

Last week, fourth grade students were able to take yet another field trip to the BYU Bean Museum. They were able to see animals in their environments and learn about different adaptations. The Museum of Peoples and Cultures was also a part of the field trip and the students' favorite part was the arrowhead they got to find and take home!

by Jill Strong

Latinos In Action

Submitted by janelle.barrett on

Today was the first day that Cherry Creek welcomed the Latinos In Action students from Springville Junior High, under the supervision of Mr. Glen Beebe. This group of Spanish speaking students will come once a week for a half hour to help our students with reading or math, regardless of whether our students speak Spanish or English. The Latinos In Action group set such a good example to our students of helping one another and working hard even when learning a second language. Thanks for your service!

by Janelle Barrett

National School Lunch Week

Submitted by janelle.barrett on

Since we only get to do this once a year we had to have a little fun for NSLW! It was a fun week. Thanks to Elizabeth for the apple samples and BYU student visitors. With our Top School Lunch Chef recipe winners we were able to give out donated meal certificates. Its a recipe worth trying out! And thanks to the district for the bike. Our lucky regular school lunch eater, Alexis, was very happy and excited to take home her new bike!!

by Patty Maloy

3rd Grade Learns Hearing Aid 101

Submitted by janelle.barrett on

Last week in Mrs. Gast's class, Dr. Candi Bown, our district's amazing audiologist, and Naomi Whiting gave a hands-on presentation about how hearing aids work. Naomi shared her experience with wearing hearing aids and how it helps her in class. Students were able to have a turn to listen for themselves how hearing aids amplify sound. We loved learning about Naomi's ability to hear clearly with such wonderful technology!

by Janelle Barrett

Victory Assembly

Submitted by janelle.barrett on

The first victory assembly of the year was held this Wednesday. As is our tradition at Cherry Creek, it all started with a "victory lap" of the Leaders of the Month and Top Croc Award students--and, of course--Crocky!

by Janelle Barrett

Mrs. Golding Awarded KSL Teacher of the Week

Submitted by janelle.barrett on

During today's first victory assembly of the year, special guests from KSL News Radio and Zion's Bank came all the way from Salt Lake City to present Mrs. Golding with the Teacher of the Week Award in association with the KSL Teacher Feature program. Mrs. Golding was shocked and surprised to hear that one of her student's parents nomitated her for this recognition. In addition to receiving a plaque and gift certificates, KSL will interview Mrs. Golding to air on an upcoming radio segment. We are so lucky to have fabulous and dedicated teachers like Mrs. Golding at Cherry Creek.

by Janelle Barrett