September 2019
A Big Croc Thank You to Micro Focus!
Thanks to the volunteers from Micro Focus who spent many hours at Cherry Creek in the United Way Day of Caring! Some volunteers helped classes during Math reteach time. Others worked hard sprucing up the playground by weeding the wood chipped play areas and renewing the asphalt with painted activity areas. They even helped prep Kindergarten activities and school rewards. Thanks for showing us how to be leaders in our communities! #neboheroes #unitedwaydayofcaring #empoweringsuperheroes
Mrs. Clark & Mrs. G
Rocking the Red on Spirit Friday
This week, we celebrate two classes:
Mrs. Frossard’s with 100% and Mrs. Peck’s with 99%...apologies to Mrs. Frossard’s Class! Keep Rocking the Red on Friday’s!