Miss Tobler Receives Crystal Apple Award

Submitted by stephanie.galt on

We were able to celebrate more of the greatness at Cherry Creek by presenting Miss Tobler with the Crystal Apple Award.  In every situation Miss Tobler is a delight to work with.  She exemplifies professionalism in her teaching, and interactions with students., parents and faculty members.    We are lucky to have her at Cherry Creek. Well done Miss Tobler!


"Twos-Day" February 22, 2022 At Cherry Creek

Submitted by stephanie.galt on

How did you spend Tuesday, February 22, 2022?  Well, the students and faculty at Cherry Creek spent the day learning mixed with fun activities to go along with a a date filled with "2s."  From fun dressing up in ties, tie-dye, and tutus,  to guessing the name of teachers from their 2nd grade pictures, to eating treats the came in twos and dancing with two songs that started at 2:22 p.m.  Every once in a while the calendar gives us some unique combinations  that help make the day memorable.  We sure had a fun day and hope you did too.  Check out Facebook fo
