6th Grade vs. Teachers

Submitted by lyndsee.brice on

Every year the 6th graders take on the teachers! This year, we had planned to have a game of kickball, but unfortunately got rained out. So we continued the tradition of the basketball game! 6th grade teams rotate in every round, as well as teachers. Each round is 3 minutes long, and a running score is kept. At the end of the rounds, there is an all-star game the the score is cleared to 0-0 and each team has a chance to take the win. Looks like the teachers are still undefeated, maybe next year's 6th graders can take them!

School-Wide Talent Show 2015

Submitted by lyndsee.brice on

Last Friday, students at Cherry Creek enjoyed and participated in the the 2015 Talent Show. The 3 contestants from each grade level were selected to perform for the whole school! We had guitar players, dancers, magicians, singers, violin players, and more! It was so fun to see the talent we have here at Cherry Creek!

Mayor's Award 2015

Submitted by lyndsee.brice on

Cherry Creek's own, Carter Grover, was given the Mayor's Award last night at Springville's City Council meeting! Carter is a fabulous student and friend at Cherry Creek, but also has a lot of accomplishments outside of school. Carter has been competing on a men's gymnastics team for the last three years. He spends 16 hours a week in the gym, working out and practicing. He has traveled to Stanford University, Las Vegas, Los Angeles for competitions placing in the top 5 in each. He even received the Gold medal on high bar in Las Vegas!

School-Wide Awards 2015

Submitted by lyndsee.brice on

2015 has been such a great year at Cherry Creek! At the end of each year, we have a huge assembly to recognize some students who have stood out in various areas. One student from each grade level was chosen for each award, even though it was SO hard for the teachers to pick only one because so many students were deserving of the awards. There were also class awards given away for Spirit Day Winners and Top Attendance for upper and lower grades! We are so proud of all the hard work that has been put in this year by every single student.