Skittles Math

Submitted by lyndsee.brice on

In 5th grade we learned about place value by using skittles. Each skittle was worth 1 unit. We discovered that 10 was an easy number to package them up into and count up easily. The students are hard at work putting those packages of 10 together. They called a package of 10 - tenlets. When we put 10 of those together, we got onehundrefiers. :) We got so good that we kept going on to thousandators and beyond. . .

Chalyce Peck

Gingerbread Man Story

Submitted by lyndsee.brice on

The Gingerbread Man visited Kindergarten today. All the students were so excited to try and catch him! He was too fast and sneaky for us, but he left us some of his favorite cookies. I mentioned that it was so nice that the Gingerbread Man shared his favorite cookies with us. One of my students, Allie, raised her hand and commented on how the Gingerbread Man was being Proactive by sharing with us. I'm glad to hear that my students are already becoming GREAT LEADERS living the 7 Habits! 


-Conttributed by Sandi Smartt

Sandi Smartt

Mini Society 2015

Submitted by lyndsee.brice on

After coming back from Spring Break every year, students get excited to see that mini society dollars start being passed out. The fifth grade classes each create their own "dollar" and they are used at the end of the year in the Mini Society store. Fifth grade students sell all sorts of items, from candy, to snow cones, to basketball shot and video games. All students can some to the store and spend all of the money that they have earned for good behavior, service, and hard work. After the store is over, 5th graders get to auction off the rest of their items.