Preschool Shape Swatters

Submitted by sarah.sumsion on
This week in preschool the students learned to identify shapes in a fun way! Shapes were scattered all over the floor, and the students had to run around and hit specific shapes with a flyswatter. They loved it!
By Mari Kadish

Sixth Grade Scientists

Submitted by sarah.sumsion on
The sixth graders had their first field trip to the Clark Planetarium in SLC. Students were able to explore many science interactives and space activities. In the Dome Theater students and teachers watched a presentation on seasons, constellations, answered interactive science questions and rode a space roller coaster! It was so real that some students felt they were really moving. The students behaved really well there then walked to a grassy park for lunch. Go to the Cherry Creek Facebook page for more pictures!

Walk to School Day

Submitted by sarah.sumsion on
Students and parents were encouraged to walk to school on Wedneaday, October 9, in conjunction with Health and Safety Week. Students flooded down the sidewalk and bikes and scooters abounded. For students who ride the bus to school or were much too far away to walk safely, a route around the school grounds was provided for them to walk before school. The PTA handed out stickers and suckers for students who participated in Walk to School Day.