2nd Grader’s Got Talent

Submitted by jan.grotegut on

Cherry Creek has some talented and brave 2nd Graders.  There were singers and dancers, gymnasts, artists, snow boarders & skate boarders.  There was even a student who was skilled at the using the bow and arrow.  Amazing!  You are living Habit #8, finding your voice and inspiring others to find theirs!

Shout Out To A Great PTA!

Submitted by jan.grotegut on

A BIG Cherry Creek Shout Out & Thanks to the PTA & Mrs. Sines.  Last week was Staff Appreciation week, and the PTA and Mrs. Sines made each day special.  On Monday morning, Faculty and Staff Members were greeted with decorated doors, a Festive Fishy Faculty Room and a wonderful waffle breakfast.  On Tuesday, the PTA surprised faculty members with a Pencil Case full of school supplies.  On Wednesday, we were treated with Root Beer floats to quench our thirst and get us through the 2nd half of the day.

Photos: Jan Grotegut, Wendy Sines & Brittany Averett

4th Graders Got Talent

Submitted by jan.grotegut on

On Friday, the 4th Graders got to share their unique talents with their peers.  There were singer & dancers, musicians and gymnasts, puppeteers and Cat’s Cradle experts.  It’s amazing that these students had the courage to share their gifts on stage, in front of their friends.  Thanks for inspiring others to try finding a new talent!

Photos: Mrs. Truscott