Give Me Liberty!

Submitted by jan.grotegut on

Mrs. Peck‘s class presented ”Give Me Liberty”, a program that told of important people and events in the history of the United States.  Through song, dance and stories, they portrayed key people, events and documents that made America what it is today.  A special thanks to Mrs. Kimball, the dance specialist, for helping us convey feelings, thoughts and actions into creative dance movements.

4th Grade Trackmeet

Submitted by jan.grotegut on

Two Cherry Creek Crocs made the winners podium at the 4th Grade Track meet!  Congratulations to Zoey Glancy who placed 4th in the Girl’s Softball Throw.  Rocco Scott placed 1st in the Boys 100m and 4th in the 200m.  

It’s a Red Tide Tie!

Submitted by jan.grotegut on

Wow!  Both Mrs. Treanor’s 3rd Grade class and Mrs. C. Neilson‘s 6th grade class had all their students Rockin the Red for Spirit Day!  Anyone else want to try for 100%?  Congratulations!

Big Cherry Creek Croc Thank You!

Submitted by jan.grotegut on

Happy Secretary’s Day to Mrs. Taylor and Mrs. Bringhurst!  Our school wouldn’t run smoothly without these two important people...from answering phones, handing out bandaids and ice packs, ordering supplies, knowing everyone’s names and faces...and more!  Thanks for all you do!  We love and appreciate you!

Mr. Duncan