Cherry Creek Spirit Wear

Submitted by amy.darrington on
Cherry Creek Spirit Wear

Spirit wear is available to purchase now!!!

We will be taking ONLINE ONLY orders this year. Student shirts start at $7 and there is also some hoodie and jacket options availabe for purchase this year. Ordering will go through August 27th. Items will be delivered to the school mid-September.  

6th Grade Graduation

Submitted by jan.grotegut on

The 6th Graders took their Final Victory Lap before heading to their Graduation Ceremony.   Class awards were given, 3 speeches from the Class Valedictorians, an Orchestra number, handing out of certificates and pictures and a closing speech by Mr. Duncan.  Congratulations graduates...Jr. High is ahead of you next September. Best Wishes!

We Learn at Mini Society

Submitted by jan.grotegut on

Mini Society is a program where the 5th grade Students establish their own society, create their own money, open their own businesses all to help understand entrepreneurship, economics, math, ethics and citizenship.  The other students in the school “earn” money to spend at the various businesses run by the 5th Graders.  A fun learning experience for all!

Mrs. Steiner

We Learn Reading is Fun and We Can Achieve Our Goals!

Submitted by jan.grotegut on

One of our Big WIGS (Wildly Important Goals) that was set at the beginning of the year was to gain 2,000 reading levels by the end of the year.  The students met and surpassed that BIG WIG! As a reward, they spent time running through an inflatable obstacle course!  Congratulations on your hard work!  Persistence pays off!

We Learn when We are Curious!

Submitted by jan.grotegut on

On Friday, the 4th Graders went to the Museum of Curiosity.  They explored in the Rainforest, learned about science in Water Works and had fun with hands on activities in Kidopolis.  Oh what adventures for young, curious minds!

Mrs. Frossard

It’s A Tie!

Submitted by jan.grotegut on

Two 6th grade classes share the title of Spirit Day winners this week...our last Spirit Day Friday of the school year.  Congrats to Mrs. K. Nielson’s class and Mrs. Truscott’s class for 100% sporting RED!  What a way to end the year 6th Graders!

At our last Victory assembly, Mrs. K. Nielson’s class and Mrs. Treanor’s class were awarded a Pizza party for being awarded the Spirit Trophy the most during the year!  Way to show the school spirit!  Congratulations!