A 3 Way Tie!

Submitted by jan.grotegut on

This week, we had a 3 way tie for classes taking the title of Spirit Day winners!

Mrs. Truscott and Mrs. Frossard’s 4th Grade Classes both had 100%.  And Mrs. Zambrano’s 5th Grade Class also had all of her students Rocking the Red.  Congratulations!

Spirit Day Team

BYU Dunk Team Entertained at Cherry Creek's Term 2 Behavior Reward Assembly

Submitted by stephanie.galt on

It was a great day to be a Croc at Cherry Creek Elementary.  To reward students for great citizenship in term 2, students were treated to an outstanding assembly put on by BYU Athletics members and the BYU Dunk Team.  Before entertaining the students and staff with their amazing skills, the athletes spent time teaching students about being "Built" for success  Success includes many characteristics that must be balanced.  Those characteristics  include things such as loving others, learning in school, connecting to others, using technology appropriately, and  wo


Tips on Advocating for Student Needs

Submitted by stephanie.galt on

Are you looking for guidance in helping you know how to advocate for the needs of your children?  If so you are not alone.  Many parents with a special needs child feel lost of overwhelmed when it comes to getting help.  Check out the information in the flyer to help you feel like there is hope and help available.


Cherry Creek Choir Performs at Singing Around the Tree Assembly

Submitted by stephanie.galt on

Students in the Cherry Creek Choir were able to show off their skills during the annual singing around the tree activity.  After many weeks of practice, they entertained us with the numbers they've been learning.  Use the links below to watch them.  A big thank you to Mrs. Dearduff for her time working with the choir, and Mrs. Jarvis for being their accompanist. 

Gonna Catch That Santa

Snowflake Carol


Singing Around the Christmas Tree

Submitted by stephanie.galt on

We had a great time carrying on the Cherry Creek tradition of singing around the Christmas tree as a student body.  Each grade level performed s musical number they've prepared.  It was great to feel the joy and cooperation of our students.  Merry Christmas!  Please look at the school Facebook page to see the videos.
