A Shout out to Parents & Students

Submitted by jan.grotegut on

Last Friday, we held our September Victory assembly.  A Big Shout Out to Cherry Creek Parents and Students.  We had 300 out of our 380 families support our Leadership Night.  And it also looks like we are on track to meet out 2 WIGS (Wildly Important Goals).  Keep up the good work, esp. with the At Home Reading!

PBS Reading Marathon

Submitted by jan.grotegut on

If you would like to host your own Mini Reading Marathon, here’the link for the grant application:


Leadership Day Board & News Board

Submitted by jan.grotegut on

Today while you are at SEP’s, take a look at the Leadership Day board down the 1st Grade/Kindergarten hall and see if you have a picture on the board!  Thanks for supporting Leadership Day! There’s also a News Worthy Board in the Main Hall.  

Photos: Amy Darrington, Stephanie Galt & Jan Grotegut