Talk Like a Pirate Day

Submitted by sarah.sumsion on

Mrs. Alderks and Mrs Boyer's students came to school with a surprise! Their teachers were transformed into pirates. The class celebrated "Talk Like a Pirate Day" with pirate stories, songs and writing stories in pirate dialogue. Arrg!

By Brooke Alderks

U.S. Synthetic Volunteers at Cherry Creek

Submitted by sarah.sumsion on

Cherry Creek was very lucky to have over 70 volunteers (some of them parents of students) from US Synthetic donate time and materials on United Way's Day of Caring. A large crew repainted lines and maps on the playground, as well as added more large graphics with shapes and the alphabet. Along with that, volunteers spent an hour in each classroom teaching students about math and reading, including doing a project and activity with each class.

By Sarah Sumsion

Patriot's Day Guest Visits 6th Grade

Submitted by sarah.sumsion on

Captain Will Biesinger from the Utah Army National Guard's Special Forces and father of Emma, a 5th grader, came to visit the 6th graders at Cherry Creek Elementary on 9/11 for Patriot's Day.  He led Mrs. Sumsion's class in the Pledge of Allegiance (which was very neat!) and then shared his experience of how he was a school teacher and after the attacks on 9/11 felt inspired that he had something to offer the military and joined to help fight for freedom in Afghanistan during Operation Enduring Freedom. After 6 years he became a captain.

By Sarah Sumsion

Noun Town

Submitted by sarah.sumsion on

Mrs. Golding's class learned about nouns this week and created a class "Noun Town: Where people, places, and things live!"

By Kim Golding

We Can All Be a Hero!

Submitted by sarah.sumsion on

Local performer and speaker, Doug Osmond, visited Cherry Creek Elementary to promote the 3rd book in the Michael Vey series by author Richard Paul Evans. He encouraged reading and even played a gameshow with students asking trivia questions about popular books. Doug Osmond's formula for success was:

#1 Turn off the TV.  The average American watches 8 hours of TV a day. The average millionaire watches 8 hours of TV a WEEK.


#3 Listen to and respect teachers, parents and others.

By Sarah Sumsion

4th Grade ROCKS!

Submitted by sarah.sumsion on

We enjoyed starting our rock unit today.  Students were able to make observations and sketch the different types of rocks.

By Michelle Hartman

Fifth Grade Fun!

Submitted by sarah.sumsion on

On the first day of school, all of the 5th grade classes: Mr. Earl, Mrs. Nielson, Mrs. Peck, and Mrs. Oldroyd's, met outside to do a Get to Know You Scavenger Hunt. Each child had to find different people that filled requirements such as - Have you tried asparagus? What is your favorite book? Is your birthday in January? Do you have 2 older sisters? After that, we got into groups of ten and did the human knot as pictured. Lots of fun so far and that was only the first day!

By Chalyce Peck

Unstoppable Me!

Submitted by sarah.sumsion on

Cherry Creek Crocs are Unstoppable!!  Today Mr. Duncan introduced the students to our theme for the year: "Unstoppable Me!"  It is based off a book that every teacher has in their classroom. The student body watched a movie about Richie Parker, a man born with no arms, and showed how he didn't let that stop his dreams (driving a car) and ambitions (designing race car parts). A quote by John Wayne was shared that matches this month's theme, courage.

By Sarah Sumsion

Ken Garff Road to Success Assembly

Submitted by sarah.sumsion on

Students at Cherry Creek Elementary held their final Ken Garff Road to Success rewards assembly. The students received tickets for certain numbers of days read at home throughout the school year. At the assembly, Mr. Duncan and Ms. Ferguson drew out tickets from a giant tumbler and MANY students were awarded prizes, from bouncy balls, hackey sacks and books to backpacks, camp chairs, ipods, bikes and $50 savings bonds towards college.  The students were very excited to hear their names read and some students won multiple prizes.

By Sarah Sumsion