Pioneer Day

Submitted by sarah.sumsion on

On Wednesday, 4th grade students stepped back into time to discover
what life may have been like for young pioneers. From games to button
sewing and nail pounding students were able to explore a variety of
activities and discover multiple tasks that were time consuming and
very different from what they are used to spending their time doing.

By Michelle Hartman

Fun With Science!

Submitted by sarah.sumsion on

A BIG thank you to Steve Palmer, a microbiologist for Morinda. He showed us different types of bacteria growth. We were even able to swab some items in our classroom to see the process of bacteria growth. Can't wait to see what we grow!

By Michelle Hartman

Music Teacher Awarded Instrument Grant!

Submitted by sarah.sumsion on

Thank you so much to the Nebo Foundation for funding a Grant and also to our amazing PTA and our wonderful Principal Duncan for contributing matching funds for new music equipment. These funds will be used towards a classroom set of hand drums. The hand drums will be used to explore rhythms and beats. The students will be able to play written rhythms and create some of their own. Since the hand drums are different sizes, they will have different tones and pitches to create fun music.

By Teresa Smallcomb