January Victory Assembly

Submitted by janelle.barrett on

Last week, Cherry Creek students held their monthly Victory Assembly to celebrate students who received Top Croc and Leader of the Month awards. During the assembly, Mr. Duncan talked about February's "Catch of the Creek", a school-wide improvement challenge. He encouraged students to participate in spirit day every Friday by wearing red. The class with the most students wearing red will get to have a tropy in their classroom for the next week. Another great highlight of the assembly was spotlighting students in each grade level who have met their reading WIG (wildly important goal).

by Janelle Barrett

Science Fair

Submitted by janelle.barrett on

Our sixth grade students worked very hard all month to produce a science project. Congratulations to our finalists advancing to the district science fair. Well done to all our students! And we offer a big THANK YOU to all our volunteer judges (parents, Questar employees, staff and high school science scholars). We couldn't have done it without you!

by Sarah Sumsion

100 Days Smarter!

Submitted by janelle.barrett on

Today, first graders celebrated making it through the first 100 days of school! They did a variety of activities having to do with the number 100. They built cup towers with 100 cups, made marshmallow and toothpick creations with 100 parts, decorated shirts with 100 pictures, and wore crowns with 100 stickers. They are 100 days smarter!

by Janelle Barrett


Submitted by janelle.barrett on

Our yearly Robotics after-school program started up again this month. Students are learning about the rules and elements of programming electronics using computer software and--you guessed it--robots! Yesterday's lesson focused on the importance of giving robots very specific instructions so that it will operate exactly how it's intended to. The students loved getting to see the robots in action!

by Janelle Barrett

Science Fair Judges Wanted!

Submitted by janelle.barrett on

Our sixth grade teachers are trying to round up volunteer judges for the upcoming Science Fair on February 3rd! Judges will need to arrive by 9:00 a.m. for a brief training meeting and outline, and the fair will end around 11:00 a.m.. Cherry Creek is located at 484 S 200 E in Springville. Anyone who may be interested in volunteering can RSVP or ask questions to Mrs. Shaffer: heather.shaffer [at] nebo.edu. About 15 volunteers are needed. Thanks!

by Heather Shaffer

Kindergarten Rocks!

Submitted by janelle.barrett on

This week our kindergarten classes have been learning about all about rocks.  On Tuesday, we spent some time being geologists and completing some cool experiments.   The kids had fun seeing if rocks float, weighing them on a scale, seeing if they were magnetic, and looking at them with a magnifying glass.   They had fun synergizing together and working as a team!!

by Chelsie Bergera

Kindness Club

Submitted by janelle.barrett on

Mrs. Sumsion's sixth grade class recently joined The Kind Club, which is part of a worldwide organization promoting kindness. Each student received a checklist of kind acts to do for peers, adults, and in the classroom or at recess. It was amazing to see how excited the kids were to start checking off these acts of kindness!

by Sarah Sumsion

Crystal Apple Award

Submitted by janelle.barrett on

Every year, the teachers at Cherry Creek have the opportunity to nominate one of their fellow faculty members to receive the Crystal Apple Award. This award is given to a teacher who has made a positive difference in the lives of students and to the entire school community. This year, Mr. Cornwall was honored to receive this special award. Some of his colleagues had the opportunity to share their appreciation for Mr. Cornwall's dedication to effective teaching methods and his natural way of inspiring both students and teachers.

by Janelle Barrett

Victory Assembly and Student Awards

Submitted by janelle.barrett on

There's nothing we love to do more at Cherry Creek than to celebrate our students' success! Yesterday, we had another victory lap around the school to cheer on those students who received a Leader of the Month or Principal's Top Croc award. During the victory assembly following, Mr. Duncan talked to the kids about how important it is to read every day. Reading is such a strong indicator of school performance and life-long success. Mr. Duncan told the students about his commitment to read a book for thirty minutes daily this next month.

Family Week! Jan 9th-12th

Submitted by janelle.barrett on

Cherry Creek's annual PTA-sponsored Family Week is next week, January 9th-12th. Each day there is an activity planned at the school, or one you can do at home and share a picture on social media (info below). Here's the line-up:

Monday: Movie Night! Come see The Peanuts Movie at 6:30pm at Cherry Creek. Wear your pajamas and bring blankets and pillows. Snacks will be provided.

Tuesday: Parents & Pastries! Before school from 8:00-8:45, cinnamon rolls and milk will be served. Bring a book to read with your child.