Lost & Found

Submitted by jan.grotegut on

Parents & Students…we have 3 tables of lost and found items.  Would you please come by and check out the table for coats, gloves, sweatshirts, sweaters, bike helmets, water bottles and lunch bags.  Things left over on Wednesday after school will be bagged up and donated to charity.

WIG Reward #2: Reading Carnival

Submitted by jan.grotegut on

Cherry Creek Crocs worked so hard on their nightly reading to enjoy some time at the WIG Reading Carnival.  Students earned carnival tickets for the amount of weekly reading during the year.  They got to spend their hard earned tickets on fun carnival games, a bounce house, food rewards with Mrs. Darrington, Ms. Houle and Mrs. Galt and a raffle with awesome toys, balls, scooters, rip stick and more.  This event has been a highlight of the year and a fun way to reward students for reaching their reading goals.

Photos: Mrs. Galt

Pizza Party Reward

Submitted by jan.grotegut on

This year, Mrs. Jensen’s class, Mrs. Golding’s class and Mrs. Hill’s class had the most wins for Spirit Day Friday.  So, they were rewarded with a Pizza Party at lunch for showing their school spirit.  Way to Rock the Red and wearing your School Croc attire!

3rd Grade Track Meet

Submitted by jan.grotegut on

Yesterday, the 3rd Graders had their day at the Springville Track Meet.  Cherry Creek Crocs came back with winners in multiple events.  Congratulations!  Looks like we have some track stars in the making.

Photo: Mrs. Galt

WIG Reward: Skate Day

Submitted by jan.grotegut on

Cherry Creek Crocs look forward to Skate Reward Day!  Students brought their skates, skate boards, heelies, scooters and wiggle bikes, circling around the North gym to fun music.    There were big smiles, singing  and laughter as each grade level took their turn.  What a nice break from end of year testing!

Photos: Mrs. Galt