Cherry Creek Says Goodbye

Submitted by jan.grotegut on

The end of the year brings changes to the staff at Cherry Creek.  We are sad to see these faculty member leave.  They have been such a great influence on students and other staff members.  Two of our Title 1 Techs, Mrs. Blakey and Ms. Branch and two of our Preschool Techs, Mrs. Ellis and Mrs. Connelly have career and family interests to pursue.  Best wishes on your new adventures❣️Crocs 4 Life

Photos: Ms. Houle

5th Grade Graduation

Submitted by jan.grotegut on

Monday afternoon was Graduation for Mrs. Nielson’s and Mrs. Young’s 5th Grade Classes.  Mrs. Darrington shared a wonderful poem she had written for the graduates.  Hannah Bartholomew was named Valedictorian for Mrs. Nielson’s class and Cami Estrada was Valedictorian for Mrs. Young’s Class.  The graduates were awarded their certificates and rounded out the program with Wave Your Flag. All these students will be missed, but will be  starting out new adventures at the middle school. Congratulations!

Water Day at Cherry Creek

Submitted by jan.grotegut on

Water Day at Cherry Creek is one of the most anticipated end of year activities.  Crocs get to enjoy a sponge relay, water slides, the bubble machine, parachute activities, otter pops and a game of Sharks and Minnows.  The best part of the day is when Springville Fire Department turns on the firetruck hoses to douse everyone in the field.  Thank you to the Springville Firefighters for making this such a memorable day!  It’s great to have community leaders show the students how to have fun!

Kindergarten Graduation

Submitted by jan.grotegut on

As another year of school comes to a close, we get to celebrate Kindergarten graduation and hear of all the things they learned.  Cherry Creek Kinders recited their CBA’s, taught us about the 7 Habits, said the Pledge of Allegiance, sang a song about the days of the week and much more. It’s amazing to see and hear how much they learned in one school year.  We’ll see you next year in First Grade!

2nd & 3rd Grade Goes to BYU

Submitted by jan.grotegut on

2nd Graders had a fun morning at BYU.  They toured the Creamery and had donuts.  The even got a special souvenir…orange hairnets and white beard nets.  They later learned some fun facts about animals at the Bean museum and rounded out the day with a picnic lunch.

Photos: Mrs. Martin & Mrs. Hardman