Cosmo Cougar Welcomes Cherry Creek Students on Walk to School Day!

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Cherry Creek Elementary in Springville celebrated green week last week. On Thursday, September 10, the students were challenged to walk to school! They were lucky enough to be greeted by the one and only Cosmo Cougar from BYU! The children were so excited to see one of their heroes at their school. Many of them even got his autograph! Thanks students for working hard to walk to school safely!

Carmen Deedy comes to Cherry Creek!

Submitted by ts on
All students at Cherry Creek were so lucky to have author/storyteller Carmen Deedy come to their school on Thursday, September 3rd 2009! She was able to keep even the youngest children captivated for a full 30 minutes as she told her made-up story to them. The children were involved in making hand motions and sound effects while watching her face for the many different expressions she shared. Not only is she a great storyteller, but she is a great author!