September AWARDS

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On September 30, 2010 students at Cherry Creek Elementary in Springville received special awards.  Three students from each class were chosen to receive awards for scholarship (red awards), citizenship (yellow awards), or special recognition (blue awards). 

The students who received Scholarship awards are:

Kinder: Kaylie Tracy, Taylor Hilmo, Keilani Baldwin, Tyler Abrams, Adolfo Serrano

Cherry Creek 5th Grade Wax Museum

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On Friday, September 17th, 5th-graders at Cherry Creek Elementary put on a Wax Museum.  Each student researched a famous person from history, then dressed up as that person for the wax museum.  Visitors were able to push a "button" to make the kids talk about their person.  It was a very informative wax museum!

Cherry Creek Students Visit the Moving Vietnam Wall

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On Friday, September 10th, 5th and 6th grade students from Cherry Creek Elementary had the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to visit the Moving Vietnam Wall.  Before leaving, Mr. Truscott - father-in-law to 6th-grade teacher Mrs. S. Truscott - spoke to the students about his experiences in the Vietnam war.  Then the students rode a bus to the Spanish Fork Cemetery, where they were able to see the half size replica of the Vietnam Wall (the full size original is in Washington D.C.).  The students were touched by the thousands of names written on the wall.

Ed Smart Visits Cherry Creek Elementary

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On Friday, September 10th, Ed Smart - Father of Elizabeth Smart (who was kidnapped in 2002 and recovered in 2003) came to Cherry Creek Elementary in Springville.  He, along with a few others, spoke to the children about what to do if a stranger approaches you.  Students at Cherry Creek were reminded to shout "Stay Away" if they are approached by someone they don't know.  Ed Smart and his friend Ahmad Rivazfar kicked off the day be heading off on their "Bike Across America" trip to raise awareness about protecting children from predators.  Cherry Creek Elementary