Thank You Walmart
At the beginning of the school year, The Springville Walmart Store had a contest with their employees to determine their favorite school in Springville. Cherry Creek Elementary won! All the employees of the school had their names put into a drawing and those who won were given a $100.00 gift card to use in the store. Winners of the drawing were Susan Deardeuff, Macall Johnson, Kristie Suguturaga, Chelsie Bergera, Jodi Schouten, Lori Blackburn, Marjean Stron
Mayor's Recognition Award
Cherry Creek Elementary School is proud to announce Nitta Hungmany, the winner of the Mayor's Recognition Award
Nitta is in Mrs. Chalyce Peck's 6th grade class.
Moms and Muffins
Cherry Creek's annual Moms and Muffins was held on May 18. Mothers, grandmothers, aunts, and big sisters were invited to come and share a muffin and juice with the students before school and read their favorite stories to them. Students like having mom's come and read before they start the day of school work. Over 500 students and parents participated in this even.
Mr. Balzotti Retirement Party
Cherry Creek Elementary faculty and staff are hosting an open house luau on Wednesday, May 9th for retiring Principal Mark Balzotti. The event will be held at Cherry Creek Elementary, 484 S. 200 E. in Springville from 5:00 pm until 7:00 pm.