Halloween Carnival

Submitted by robert.sedgwick on
Madisen & Brook  Pennigton along with Julia Jeffs showed off their Halloween costumes during Cherry Creeks Fall Carnival.  The students said it was the best Carnival, because everyone could win a prize and lots of candy.  Thanks Cherry Creek PTA.
Nancy Taylor

BYU's The Buff Don't Puff and Cherry Creek's 4th Grade

Submitted by robert.sedgwick on

BYU basketball player Josh Sharp came to Cherry Creek Elementary to encourage the 4th grade to be smokin' hot athletic stars instead of smokin' something else.  The fourth graders enjoyed learning about the negative affects of alcohol, drugs and tobacco on the body from a variety of BYU athletes on DVD including basketball star Jimmer Fredette, diving champion Brandon Watson, and soccer forward Jennie Marshall.  These students are excited to say that, "The Buff Don't Puff!"

Robert Sedgwick

3rd Graders Work for Willy Wonka

Submitted by robert.sedgwick on

Third grade students had their first field trip at school.

They went to Willy Wonka's Candy Factory and helped

package candy.  They learned to package in groups of ten.

They are going to take their "job" training back into the classroom

and use it in their math class.  

Nancy Taylor