Award Winning Author Visits Cherry Creek

Submitted by sarah.sumsion on

L. Kobie Wilkerson visited Cherry Creek Elementary to teach about writing and share his love of reading and education. Mr. Wilkerson spent lunch with the faculty answering questions they may have about his teaching and consulting background. Afterwards assemblies were held in small groups so he could share how he developed his book ideas, share digital versions of his book as well as answer questions the students had about him. Copies of his book "Queen Infinity" were provided for each teacher and staff member, where he gladly signed each copy. Mrs.

By Sarah Sumsion

Sixth Grade War

Submitted by sarah.sumsion on

The sixth graders are learning about integers and absolute values. They played a game called Absolute Value War where they had positive and negative numbers. Both students turned over a card and made a statement about what the number was and it's absolute value. The number with the lowest absolute value (number closest to zero) won. Students really enjoyed playing the game and improving their knowledge of integers.

By Sarah Sumsion

A Healthy Third Grade Field Trip

Submitted by sarah.sumsion on

Cherry Creek third graders spent much of the month of November learning about our bodies and how to keep them healthy.  We even got to go on a field trip to Allen's grocery store.  At Allen's we learned about the importance of eating a variety of fruits and vegetables in order to get all of the different vitamins our body needs.  We also learned that fresh produce is the best way to get our fruits and vegetables, and we know how to make the best choices when drinking juice and eating canned fruits and vegetables.

By Erica Boyer