Announcing: Chess Tournament at Cherry Creek!

Submitted by sarah.sumsion on

A chess tournament will be held right here at Cherry Creek Elementary on February 9, 2013. Grades K-9 will be competing this year.  This is a great opportunity to practice competing, play for fun and show off your winning strategies. Click on the flyer attachment below for more details. Who knows? We may have home court advantage. Hope to see you there!


Golden Croc Claw Party

Submitted by sarah.sumsion on

An ice cream party was enjoyed on Friday by winners from the Croc Claw Bingo Board. Students who earn a gold croc claw from one of the teachers or staff at school get to randomly draw out a bingo chip that matches a square on the bingo board. Their name then gets written on the correlating square. Once a bingo is created, students get to celebrate with the principal.  The student winners pictured are: Conner Schouten, Ben Roylance, Abbigail Nelson, Madison Pennington, Josef Wallace, Conner Andreason, Conner Manfredi, Tanner Allred.

By Sarah Sumsion

Greek Olympics Held at Cherry Creek

Submitted by sarah.sumsion on

The sixth graders at Cherry Creek participated in a Greek Olympic experience. Students were divided into city-states, authentic to Ancient Greece such as Athens, Sparta, Megara, Argos and Corinth. Many students wore native clothing (togas) or dressed in the color of their city-state and wore their crown of laurel leaves. The Olympians were led from their classroom to the Olympic Arena by Mr. Duncan carrying the Olympic flame.

By Sarah Sumsion

Singing Around the Tree

Submitted by sarah.sumsion on

The student body at Cherry Creek were able to share their Christmas music in an assembly. We heard from the choir who sang several numbers. Each grade shared music to help ring in the holiday season. We ended in group carol singing led by Mrs. Deardeuff. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

By Sarah Sumsion

Mr. Duncan Delivers a Story and a Treat

Submitted by sarah.sumsion on

Mr. Duncan visited each class throughout the week spending time to read them a Christmas story, give a candy cane to each of them and visit with the students. It's one of his favorite things to do: spending time with the students. The classes all loved having him in their class and hearing his stories.  Thanks Mr. Duncan!  Merry Christmas!

By Sarah Sumsion