Mayor Recognition 2016

Submitted by lyndsee.brice on

Korri Cooper received the Mayor Recognition Award yesterday for January. She is a positive influence on all of those around her and works really hard to achieve her goals. Congratulations Korri!

Chalyce Peck

Leader's University

Submitted by lyndsee.brice on
This week, third graders had a graduation ceremony to honor the students who participated in the Leader's University. Leader's University is a program where students have the opportunity to show their leadership in and out of school. While reaching for and maintaining certain grades in areas such as spelling, homework, and mah facts, students also go above and beyond by completing service projects, Great Brain reports (social studies and science related), and book reports each month, as well as participation in school events.

Goals and Resolutions for 2016

Submitted by lyndsee.brice on
Students from all grade levels have been making goals and resolutions for the New Year of 2016. Using all different ways to represent this, many students have displayed their goals to help them improve for the next year. In addition to the personal and academic WIGs that the students set for the Leader in Me program, many students have thought of some other areas that they can work on. Good luck Crocs!

Holiday Celebrations in Kindergarten

Submitted by lyndsee.brice on
Mrs. Smartt's class had a fabulous time playing games, having a photo booth, making Christmas trees, and drinking hot cocoa for their Christmas party! She says she has the best parents and students ever! They had a Silly Christmas Party Photo Booth making everyone enjoy themselves in Mrs. Smartt's class. Cheese!
Sandi Smartt

PEAK Award- Mrs. Smartt

Submitted by lyndsee.brice on
Congratulations to Mrs. Smartt for earnings the PEAK award this month!! Sandi Smartt, Teacher, Cherry Creek Elementary Nominated by: Leanne Johnson, Camilla Koralewski, & Natasha Rogers “Mrs. Smartt is a wonderful teacher. She is organized, thoughtful, and kind.She made kindergarten a wonderful experience for my child! Mrs. Smartt keeps her class so engaged and orderly. Her students love her and excel in her class. I have seen her work with students with disabilities, she is amazing and inspiring. Mrs.