Teacher Spotlight: Mrs. Call!

Submitted by janelle.barrett on

The teacher spotlights continue, this time with Mrs. Call! Annie Call is new to Cherry Creek this year, and was an intern teacher at Hobble Creek Elementary last year. Mrs. Call went to BYU to study education, but she also received a minor in TESOL and Family Life. She met her husband at BYU, and they have been married for four years. Some fun facts about Mrs. Call include her talent for talking in movie quotes, enjoying going to the library, loving Netflix, and she can sing! Her favorite teacher gifts are clorox wipes and peanut butter M&M's.

by Janelle Barrett

Erupting Pumpkins

Submitted by janelle.barrett on

Today in Mrs. Finch's class, our speech-language pathologist, Miss Barrett, and speech-language technician, Miss Collins came in to teach an exciting group lesson about pumpkins! The class discussed all about what pumpkins are used for, what they are made of, and how to describe them. Then, we used a pumpkin for a fun experiment. In a carved out pumpkin, students put in baking soda, a few drops of dish soap, and vinegar. Each student voted on a hypothesis they thought would happen. Sure enough, the pumpkin erupted with foam! What a fun way for the students in Mrs.

by Janelle Barrett

Student Lighthouse Team

Submitted by janelle.barrett on

Last week, the Student Lighthouse Team met for the first time, had a great time getting to know each other, and learning how they would work together this year. The Student Lighthouse Team is comprised of one student from each class in the school. Mr. Duncan came and spoke with them about being leaders and how to help people feel welcome and happy. They also brainstormed with Mrs. Sumsion and Mrs. Call, their leadership mentors, about how they could serve the school this year.


by Annie Call

Student Wellness

Submitted by janelle.barrett on

Last week, Cherry Creek celebrated National School Lunch week with the help of our incredible lunch room staff! They do so much to encourage our students to try new foods, eat well-balanced meals, and keep their bodies healthy. Nebo School District also has a Student Wellness Policy for parents to be aware of: 

Teresa Chang

Victory Assembly

Submitted by janelle.barrett on

The first Victory Assembly of the school year was today, celebrating students receiving the "Leader of the Month" and "Top Croc" awards. On the way to the assembly, students receiving these awards were applauded by their fellow students during a victory lap around the school with Crocky, the Cherry Creek mascot. At the assembly, Mr. Duncan drew names of an additional 25 students who received a Croc Card in the month of September. These students were invited to the Croc Cave for games today with Mr. Duncan. 

by Janelle Barrett