Teacher Spotlight: Ms. Baldwin!

Submitted by janelle.barrett on

Ms. Baldwin is our next spotlight teacher! Jen Baldwin is an incredible second grade teacher, and we are so lucky to have her at Cherry Creek. Ms. Baldwin has two beautiful daughters, one who is currently serving an LDS mission in WA, and a sophomore at Springville High School.  Jen graduated from UVU and loves to teach math! She loves to share her love with her students and help them see their potential. Jen also loves dark chocolate, mountain biking, and hugs. A random fact about Ms. Baldwin is that she has never had a cavity! Ms.

by Janelle Barrett

Food Sharing Station

Submitted by janelle.barrett on

Starting this week during lunch, there is a "Sharing Station" where students can put their unopened (school lunch) packaged items in to share with others. Any student (home lunch or school lunch) can then come get more to eat if they are still hungry. Yesterday, not a single full milk carton was thrown away! This is a great way for the kids to see that sharing helps others, and gives us a chance to think win-win!

by Clint Cornwall

Teacher Spotlight: Mr. Sedgwick!

Submitted by janelle.barrett on

This week's lucky spotlight teacher is Robert Sedgwick! Mr. Sedgwick has joined the fourth grade team this year, after having taught second grade for many years here at Cherry Creek. He loves to be a positive role model for kids. He loves working at Cherry Creek because, "everyone is so positive and willing to go the extra mile." Mr. Sedgwick certainly goes the extra mile for all of us as he is our technology guru. We would be lost and confused without him! His wife and four kids all love reading and having fun adventures together. Mr.

by Janelle Barrett

Native American Culture

Submitted by janelle.barrett on

Recently, both the third and fourth grade classes have been able to attend a presentation about Native American history and culture. They specifically learned about Native Americans from Utah and their culture including housing, clothing, and food.

by Janelle Barrett