Wildly Important Goals

Submitted by janelle.barrett on

Yesterday's WIG assembly featured several teachers strutting down the red carpet wearing hilarious wigs. But this assembly was really about introducing this year's wildly important goals for the whole school. The first WIG is for the entire school to collectively move up 1,800 reading levels. The second WIG is for all students to be in their classroom by 9:00 90% of the time. This will take extra help from parents to make sure that kids get out the door on time. The rewards for reaching the reading WIG is that the kids will have a water party at the end of the year.

by Janelle Barrett

Synergy Bracelets

Submitted by janelle.barrett on

Students in Mrs. Call's class made synergy bracelets to learn about Habit #6: Synergize. Students picked two colors for their bracelet--one to represent themselves, and one to represent everyone else. They learned to weave the two colors together to remind them that we're "better together."

by Annie Call

Mrs. Gast's Reading Cafe

Submitted by janelle.barrett on

Mrs. Gast's students entered the Reading Cafe last week. Students enjoyed mood lighting, silver platters filled with snacks and a variety of reading material. Students ate snacks while looking through multiple genres of books and discussed books that they already love! We LOVE reading!!

by Michelle Gast

Think BIG

Submitted by janelle.barrett on

What does it mean to be "BIG" at Cherry Creek? That's the question Mr. Duncan asked when he came to visit every classroom this week. He read the book "Think BIG" to every class and talked about what this means for the kids. 

Being BIG means being your best self, being responsible, being helpful and kind. You don't get an award for being BIG, but you get a good feeling inside. When Mr. Duncan asked the students what it means to be BIG at Cherry Creek, some said:

"Helping friends at recess."

"Eating healthy things."

"Being nice."

by Janelle Barrett

Back to School Night

Submitted by janelle.barrett on

Thank you for coming to our Back to School Night! The teachers put in so much time preparing to greet the new faces coming into their classrooms. We hope you felt welcome and comfortable. The faculty and staff at Cherry Creek truly feel that this is a wonderful place to be, and we hope you do too. See you tomorrow for day one!

by Janelle Barrett