We Inspire: Final Victory Assembly

Submitted by janelle.barrett on

Last Friday we held the final victory assembly of the year--and there was much to celebrate! The students learned that they far surpassed their school-wide WIG (wildly important goal) of moving up 1,800 reading levels. In fact, they moved up over 2,100 reading levels this year! That earns them a water party (for K-2nd) or a trip to the new Springville rec center pool (3rd-6th).

by Janelle Barrett

We Learn: Pre-teaching model in 6th grade

Submitted by janelle.barrett on
This year, Mrs. Finch's 6th grade students have been trying something a little different. We have started something called Pre-Teaching. The way it works is that the students will learn a new lesson for the first time in my class 2-3 days before they learn the same lesson in their regular class. I introduce the material, they form different ideas on the material, and within that time we try to solidify the concept as much as we can.
by Katelyn Finch

We Learn: Polynesian Artwork

Submitted by janelle.barrett on

This year Cherry Creek students have been studying the art and culture of New Zealand, Australia, and various Polynesian islands. Here is a sampling of some their Oceania-themed art:


6th Tint Gradient Underwater Silhouettes. After learning about tints and shades, monochromatic color schemes, and negative and positive space in art, students painted a circular gradient by gradually adding increasing amounts of blue into white paint. Then, observing photos, they drew outlines and cut silhouettes of sea creatures to add to their blue gradient backgrounds.

by Rosalyn Payne

We Learn: SAGE Commitment Cards

Submitted by janelle.barrett on

Mrs. Peck’s class created commitment cards for SAGE. We made goals for our training (homework), practice (class work) and game day (tests).

The idea came from the movie "When The Game Stands Tall." We talked about not getting a perfect score, but having perfect effort to show how much we learned and grew this year.

by Chalyce Peck

We Lead: Leadership Lessons with Mr. Andersen

Submitted by janelle.barrett on

Our incredible school counselor, Troy Andersen, spends time with each class to reinforce the 7 Habits. In recent months, students have helped create artwork showing ways that they live the habits, that Mr. Andersen then posts around the school. This way, the kids can have a personal reminder of ways to be their best selves. We're so grateful for Mr. Andersen and the time he takes to talk with our students and build a positive culture at our school!

by Janelle Barrett