March 2016

SJHS Visit

Submitted by lyndsee.brice on
Our future SJHS students went to junior high orientation Thursday. Students were even able to eat lunch there. They are excited to graduate and move on!
Sarah Sumsion

Health and Safety Week

Submitted by lyndsee.brice on

Last week, Cherry Creek Crocs celebrated health and safety week! Each day, the students dressed up to represent the different ways to represent how they can stay healthy and safe. 

-  “Don’t be lazy, be active” Wear your athletic clothes to school. 

Attendance Goal

Submitted by lyndsee.brice on

Cherry Creek has been really working on their attendance! One of the goals this year is to have 20 or less tardies each day. When we reach that goal, Mr. Duncan plays a fun song and all of the students in the whole school get to get up and dance around their classrooms to celebrate! Mrs. Kadish's kindergarteners sure had fun celebrating meetin our tartdy goal last week! 

Mari Kadish

MJHS Visit!

Submitted by lyndsee.brice on

The 6th graders had visits Tuesday from Mapleton Junior High counselors and music teachers to help get them excited about moving to junior high next year. Students got to try out all the instruments so they knew which one they might want to select next year. Also, the future MJHS 7th graders took home registration packets to be returned by Friday. SJHS students will get their registration materials later this month.

Sarah Sumsion